Evans & Pike Reserve Solera Bourbon

Evans and Pike Solera Bourbon

Farm and Spirit Distillers, the makers of Mashbuild Bourbon, are the masterminds behind the Evan’s and Pike Solera Bourbon Whiskey. Solera aging is a cool process seen in Ports, brandys, rums, and whiskeys. The process involves moving liquid from younger barrels into older barrels, leaving some behind to mix until you get to the bottom, oldest barrels which are then bottled still leaving some behind. This increases the average age of the final product over time, and allows for a lot of consistency throughout the production process. We will dive into the solera process in an upcoming podcast episode, so look for that if you want to learn more about how solera aging works. 

For this bourbon, it has made a spectacular final product, that is high proof but remarkably approachable, and full of flavor.  It is truly impressive what the folks at Farm and Spirit are able to put out on a regular basis. 

In the Bottle: 


The Evans and Pike is a blend of all but the last few Mashbuild bourbons, aged solera style. Here is the break down

Corn/Rye/Barley (Unless otherwise indicated)
100% sweet corn
100% bloody Butcher 80/10/10


Solera Aging means that the average age gets older with each new release. This one is around 11 years.  


62% Abv (124 Proof)

In the Glass: 


Clear Amber color, some red and golden colors. 

Without Water:


Caramel, apples, cinnamon and brown sugar all with tannic oaky notes come through on the nose. There are also some bright red fruits notes that are present. 


Sweet bright red cherries right up front, moves into a more thick quality of a mid palate with creme brulee and other burnt sugar notes on the mid. The mouthfeel is big and full, but not creamy. 


The straight finish is a little hot, showing it’s proof, but not as much as would be expected for a 62% ABV Whiskey. Tannic dry woods linger for a while, but with that sweet creme brulee/toasted sugars note keeping it enjoyable all the way through. 

With Water: 


Sweeter with a couple drops of water, less of the woody tannic notes. The caramel really comes through more as well. 


Again, bright sweet red cherries right up on the front, with the toasted marshmallow notes on mid. The bitter burnt sugar notes vanish behind sweeter caramel notes. 


The water makes the finish shorter, but also adds sweetness and fills out the complexity of it a bit more. It really loses any heat the higher proof had given off without water. 

Final Thoughts: 

Each release of Mashbuild has really been spectacular, and continually rotating them through a solera aged process to create the Evans and Pike produces a truly complex and enjoyable bottle. Farm and Spirit really has a good thing going, and each and every bottle we try supports that statement more and more.