Port Dundas 12 Year Scotch

Port Dundas 12 YearPort Dundas 12 Year Scotch
Lowland-Glasglow Scotland
Closed Distillery
12 Years Old, American Oak
Single Grain Scotch

Color: Pale Straw, or Golden Hay

Nose: Light, sweet and syrupy with some cereal-esque grains coming through right away. Completely different nose than what would typically come to mind when thinking of a Scotch whisky, but it is very inviting. The grain really plays right up front.

Palate: Toffee notes come through right away, and some butterscotch or buttered rum notes as well. It is a very interesting combo of light while being very creamy. There are also some very crisp fruit notes that come through, a crisp pear specifically jumps out.

Finish: Sweet oaky notes make up this very short finish that disappears almost as fast as the sip does.

With water:

Nose: Nothing about this whisky really holds up to water, and the nose is no exception to that. A bit of the grain and sweet notes remain, but that is really all. Even before the sip  you can tell this is a neat sipping whisky.

Palate: Becomes a bit sweeter and lighter, but the most impressive part of the sip is that is somehow maintains it’s creamy texture almost entirely, still coating the entirety of the mouth and not losing any part of that to the water.

Finish: With the water added the grains make more of an appearance, with some fruit notes but it disappears almost immediately again.

Angie: 84
Zach: 80
Overall: 82/100

While extremely cool to try whiskey from a no longer existing Scottish Distillery, this bottle is not one you should feel like you missed out on if you don’t manage to ever try it. Also a unique bottle in terms of being a grain scotch instead of malted barley.