Guidebook to Whiskey and Other Distilled Spirits in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming

From Craft Publishing has come an impressive guidebook, a perfect gift for someone who is exploring the world of Craft Whisky in and around our terrific state of Colorado. 

Before we go too far into the review of this book, we would like to note that, while it was given to us for free, this is not a paid endorsement of the book. 

First off, let’s talk about the “Locator” right in the front of the book. This is easily my (Zach’s) favorite feature of the entire publishing. Listed alphabetically, there is a multitude of distilleries from the region, with a quick table showing what they produce, where they are located, and what page you can go to in order to read further. This locator makes searching for a new distillery to try very quick, as it gives a region (CO-NE, WY, Metro) and also lists each different style of whisky and other spirits. For example, Geek Spirits is located in Northeast Colorado, and produces a bourbon, Malt whiskey, rye whiskey, and rum. There are 60 distilleries listed in the table, so it is extremely useful.

After the locator are some interesting articles from whiskey devotees, owners of local distilleries, and more. There is a range of information here that, as the Guidebook states, are sure to whet your thirst.

After that, the book goes into detail about individual featured distilleries. Sorted by region, and with color coded lines on the bottom of the pages, the Guidebook makes it easy to sort through quickly.

Each distillery page follows a formula, with each companies philosophy, then their process and product notes. Giving a glimpse into each companies inner workings. It then showcases a Featured Product, giving a bit more information and tasting notes. Interjected in this section is a cocktail to make with the featured product, and trust us, you’ll want to try to make most of these, or better yet, go to the distillery tasting room and have them make you one.

There is a section at the back featuring extra distilleries that did not quite make the guidebook, but with a quick blurb about it and contact info for each distillery.

We are including a link here for you to follow and purchase the book off of Amazon. We really, really recommend that you do. It is a spectacular book to get you going into the wonderful world of whiskey and other spirits here in Colorado.

Here is the Guidebook on Amazon