Johnnie Walker White Walker

Johnnie Walker White WalkerJohnnie Walker White Walker Blended Scotch
Distilled, Blended, and Bottled North of the Wall
41.7% ABV (83.4 Proof)
Blended Scotch Whiskey

Are the White Walker’s real, or just another of Old Nan’s stories? As winter has come to the Mile High City, so too has the White Walker from Johnnie Walker. This whisky is a new blend from Johnnie Walker, and is crafted all “North of the Wall.” Game of Thrones is obviously a huge pop culture phenomenon, and Johnnie Walker is the first Scotch Whisky to jump on board. The bottle itself is unique, and changes some when frozen. We will reveal the secret message after the review below, with a proper spoiler warning in case you want to find out for yourself.

Color: Pale Straw, and very clear.

Nose: Apple and grains, crisp and has some hints of pear as well. There is also some hay notes that come out as well.

Palate: Extremely crisp, and bright, fruit notes such as apple come out right off the bat. This gives way to a mid palate of Chocolate, malt, and baking spices.

Finish: Short but full of honey and caramel notes.

With water added

Nose: The grain notes really grow with the water added, and some wood and oak notes come out as well as molasses.

Palate: Baking spices such as allspice and nutmeg really come out more, as well as coffee notes that weren’t really noticeable before the water. The sweet fruit flavors fade back a bit, and still give way to a roasted malt and chocolate mid palate, with some complimenting vanilla notes.

Finish: About the same length, but more sweet with a hint of tobacco complimenting the caramel.

Angela: 89
Zach: 82
Overall: 85.5/100

This was a pretty good blend, definitely setting itself apart from other Johnnie Walker blends. We of coursed froze the bottle to see the hidden message, and you can see it here. If you don’t want to know what appears, then don’t scroll any further, this is your BOTTLE SPOILER WARNING!





Still here? Then check it out!

Johnnie Walker Frozen Bottle Message

Easy to expect, but a cool effect non the less.